Overview, Student Preview, Creating Content, Documents, Text Editor, Adding Learning Modules, Creating Links, Files, Integrating Videos.


As an instructor, you can add content to a course by simply hovering over the content outline. A line with an + (add) icon will appear on the page, indicating where the content will be located once added. When the line is positioned in the desired location, click the add icon. You can move an item on the outline at any time if you need to reposition its location. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated 

The add icon allows teachers to build content in the course content outline using the following options: 

  • Create: This option allows teachers to add items to the course. 
  • Copy Content: Reuse content from other courses in which you are the teacher. 
  • Upload: By selecting this option, teachers can upload files from their computer into the course. 
  • Content Market: Find and add external publisher content. 
  • Cloud Storage: Add content from external cloud storage provides such as Google and OneDrive. 
  • Content Collection: Browse the content collection files to insert a link to the resource. 



Student Preview 

Student Preview allows you to review and validate the course content and behaviors from a learner's perspective. For example, you can review the release of content and how grades appear. 

While in Student Preview you can submit assignments, take tests, download and upload files, participate in conversations and discussions, send course messages, view grades, and experience group membership. 

Watch this short video on using the Student Preview mode. 


Creating Content 

Documents provide a way to add text, images, and links that display on the screen in a course. The page that you are viewing at this moment was created as a document. 

Create a Document 

To create a document in the course content outline, complete these steps: 

  1. Select the Add icon in the location of the Course Content Outline where you wish to add the item. 
  2. Select the Create icon. The Create Item panel displays. 
  3. Select Document, located under Course Content Items. The item settings display. 
  4. In the top pane, enter a name for the item. 
  5. Make the item visible or use Conditional Availability > Date/Time to set Show On/Hide After dates and times. 
  6. Enable class conversations if desired. 
  7. Select one of the three standard options: Add text, Upload from Computer, or Upload from Cloud Storage. You may also see Add HTML and Browse Content Collection based on your institution's settings. 
  8. Build your document in the space provided. 



Best Practices for Documents 

When you are building documents, follow these best practices: 

  • Be consistent with how you format documents throughout your course. 
  • Add alternative text to describe any image or mark the checkbox under the image type to indicate it is decorative. 
  • Use headings to create sections within your document. 
  • If a learner is using a screen reader, then using headings will make it easier for that learner to navigate through the document. 
  • Headings also provide visual breaks within the document that will assist all users in navigating the page. 


Using the Text Editor 

The Text Editor toolbar allows you some control over the look and feel of your content. You can create lists, use pre-defined styles, format the style of the text, use a math editor, create links, insert images, add videos from the web, attach files, and create tables.  


Adding Learning Modules 

To create a learning module, follow these steps.


  1. Select the Add icon in the location of the Course Content Outline where you wish to add the learning module item. 
  2. Select the Create icon. The Create Item panel displays. 
  3. Select Learning Module, located under Course Content Items. 
  4. In the course outline, hover over the learning module name to edit and enter the name of your learning module. 
  5. Use the item visibility to make the item visible or use Conditional Availability > Date/Time to set Show On/Hide After dates and times. 
  6. Expand the item to edit and enter a description if desired. 


Best Practices for Folders and Learning Modules 

Keep these best practices in mind as you work with folders and learning modules. 

  • Determine the structure of the course before beginning to create them in your course. 
  • Use them to organize content into concise groupings that are easy to navigate for both teachers and learners. 
  • Apply large bucket names to the main folders (e.g., Week 1, Module 1, Unit 1, March 5-11). 
  • Use a standard naming convention inside them to group content and activities. 
  • Folders and learning modules can be made available automatically on a specific date. Therefore, if you want to restrict the availability of materials to learners until a certain date, you will need to select the visibility status as show/hide on date and set the date desired for its release. 

Creating Links 

Using links in your online class is a great way to offer learners access to content found in another part of the course or to tools, software, and outside resources that are not part of the learning platform. For example, you could furnish learners with a link to a video, virtual lab, or other learning content and build an activity based on what was found. You may also consider adding a link to accomplish any of the following: 

  • Relevant websites as an enrichment activity. 
  • Support portals and help resources. 
  • Link to examples and demonstrations. 
  • Share important course files or institutional policies with learners. 
  • Provide learners with a takeaway. 

There are two methods for creating a link: 

  • Create a link in the course outline. 
  • Create a link on a document page. 




You can create file items on your course content outline by uploading them or copying from your cloud storage. These tools are used to add files like these. 

  • Images 
  • PDFs 
  • Word documents 
  • PowerPoint presentations 
  • Zip files 


Learn more about:  


Managing Content 

Batch Edit 

In the Ultra Course View, you can use Batch Edit to update common settings across all content, such as visibility and due dates. You can also use the tool to delete a group of selected course content. With Batch Edit, you can control content settings in one place and all at once.  

You can use Batch Edit to update content due dates when you reuse, copy, or import content. If you taught courses in an earlier term or calendar year, Batch Edit lets you select multiple pieces of content and adjust due dates in fewer steps.  

Using Batch Edit - https://youtu.be/XJ0UxI-Qx_E 

Integrating Videos 


Add a Welcome Video to embed on the Welcome page of the course under the Start Here folder.  

Link a ScreenPal video to an announcement 

Embed a ScreenPal video within a module in a course.