1. After logging in and viewing your files in OneDrive, pick the file or folder you want to share by selecting the circle in the upper corner of the item. You can also pick multiple items to share them together (sharing multiple items at the same time is not available for OneDrive for work or school accounts).
  2. Select Share at the top of the page.

    Screenshot of selecting a file and clicking the Share command

  3. A dialog box will appear for you to choose the person(s) and settings for sharing the file/folder.

  4. You can click 'People in University of the Cumberlands with the link can view' (the default setting) to see other options for sharing:

    • Anyone gives access to anyone who receives this link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. This may include people outside of your organization.

    • People in University if the Cumberlands gives anyone in your organization who has the link access to the file, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else.

    • People with existing access can be used by people who already have access to the document or folder. It does not change the permissions on the item. Use this if you just want to send a link to somebody who already has access. 

    • Specific people gives access only to the people you specify, although other people may already have access. If people forward the sharing invitation, only people who already have access to the item will be able to use the link. Note that in order to track access and ensure security, you can only share with someone who is in your organization or has a Microsoft Account.

  5. Allow editing - When you share items with this type of link, people can edit files, can add files in a shared folder, and can delete files in a shared folder if they're signed in. Recipients can forward the link, change the list of people sharing the files or folder, and change permissions for recipients. If you're sharing a folder, people with Edit permissions can copy, move, edit, rename, share, and delete anything in the folder.

    By default, Allow editing is turned on. If you want people to only view your files, uncheck the check box. With OneDrive for work or school accounts, you can also quickly select editing permissions without having to open the sharing link settings. Simply select the pencil icon next to the Name, group or email box, then give the recipients edit or read-only permission. If you want to select or modify more options, select Link settings to access the additional options.

    At the bottom of the Send link window, the Shared with list shows everyone who has access to the file. Each round item has either a photo of an individual or the initials of a group that the file has been shared with. If you want to edit the access level for an individual or group, select a photo or group initials to open the Manage Access page.

    You won't see a Shared with list in this window if the selected file or folder isn't currently shared with someone.