1. From an active Meeting, select the “More options” menu (...)

  2. From the menu that appears, select “Start recording

  3. The recording will end when you leave the meeting.  Or, alternatively, you can choose 'Stop recording' from the 'More options' menu.

  4. After enough time has passed for the video to render, you'll have two options to review your recording.

    1. Within the meeting chat, a link will be present for the recording.

      You can click the three dots beside the recording for more options:

    2. The recording will also be available in the Recordings folder inside of your OneDrive.  You can access OneDrive by following these steps:

      1. Login to OneLogin
      2. Click the O365 tile

      3. Click the OneDrive link

      4. There will be a Recordings folder where your Teams recordings will automatically upload after the meeting ends.